Company News
The History of our HQ
Working in a building that was built nearly 100 years ago gives you the opportunity to work in an inspiring environment. The creative architecture aged materials and craftsmanship create an atmosphere that connects you to the past. It also creates curiosity about the people and businesses that have come and gone over the years.

The 501 Charlotte in 1940. Images like these were created by the Jackson County Tax Assessor’s office working together with the Works Progress Administration, in an attempt to photograph every building in Kansas City, MO. This project produced over 40,000 images of buildings both commercial and residential. For more information on this project, visit the Missouri Valley Special Collections, Kansas City Public Library, Kansas City, Missouri.

FireBoard Labs Headquarters in 2023
Thanks to the Landmarks Commission of Kansas City, MO, we have a document that can give us a peek back at our building. The document is called an Architectural/Historical Inventory Survey Form and like the 1940 Tax Assessment images, it gives a written account describing the appearance of our building and possibly generates more questions than answers.

This boiler inspection was found in the basement of FireBoard Labs near where a boiler was installed to provide heat for the building. Historic Survey form at Right.

A trio of permits pulled for the building and remodeling of 501 Charlotte from 1925-1938
Filed in October 1987, the survey tells us that in 1925 the Mo Side Battery Works submitted a building permit for a 100-foot by 130-foot two-story brick structure to be built at 501 and 505 Charlotte Street with the Architect of Record C.W. Williams. In 1947 the Hires Root Beer Company remodeled 501 into a production plant. Linda Delgado, one of FireBoard’s senior production employees, grew up in the Columbus Park neighborhood. She recalls walking past the Hires Root Beer Plant every day on her way to Karnes Public School.

The headquarters of FireBoard Labs was at one point a Hires Root Beer bottling plant. These bottles were found in a gravel pit on the premises during the remodeling process in 2022.
After decades of being the home to Hires Root Beer, ownership of 501 changed hands two more times before we moved in. First, it was home to the Trieb Sheet Metal Company and then KC Screen Print, a business known for custom T-shirts and embroidery.
In 2021 FireBoard acquired the property and began a remodeling. The project would showcase the building’s original character and give it a new purpose. Check out this past blog that chronicles our past workspaces and notice our company’s affinity for historic buildings.

Ted and Byron on an early walkthrough of the future production floor of FireBoard Labs, June 2021.

A view of the same production floor today. So much work went into removing the drop ceiling and paint off of the brick walls to give a view of the character-rich building materials that have stood the test of time.
Our Historic Neighborhood
Our building is in a Kansas City neighborhood called area Columbus Park. It is also known as The North End for its northern location in the city. This neighborhood holds a rich history deeply rooted in the city’s immigrant heritage. Established in the late 1800s, the area was initially a hub for Italian immigrants seeking better opportunities and a new life in the United States. Many of these early settlers were skilled artisans, farmers, and laborers, bringing with them a strong work ethic and a sense of community. The North End’s architectural heritage also reflects its storied past, with brick row houses, churches, and cultural institutions that still stand today. This is best represented by the Holy Rosary Church built in 1898. FireBoard is excited to be part of this historic neighborhood and we look forward to putting our own mark on it.

Looking out an office window at FireBoard Labs, gives you a view of Holy Rosary Church. Built in 1898 this church and the buildings that surround it, were added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2007. It continues to be a visual center point of the North End.
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